Top 10 Legendary Pokémon You Need to Know

Top 10 Legendary Pokémon You Need to Know

Discover which are the most powerful Pokémon

Every Pokémon fan in the world, whether just the anime or the games and manga in the franchise, has wondered which are the best legendary Pokémon among the 72 that exist to date. This question is common since Pokémon is, in large part, about fighting and defeating the opposing monster on the other side of the screen. 

In our list today, we will rank the 10 strongest Pokémon ever introduced in the games, since the vast majority of legendary Pokémon first appear in this medium and only later appear in the anime. To create this list, we will take into account their combat power in the games, their achievements within the Pokémon universe, and also their popularity. So, are you ready to find out which are the best legendary Pokémon? Then read the list!

Raikou, Entei and Suicune

Promotional image of the Game Pokémon Go featuring Raikou, Entei and Suicune
Illustrative Image: Raikou, Entei and Suicune

Starting off our list we have the three legendary dogs, created by Ho-oh after a natural accident burned down the Brass Tower 150 years ago. According to legend, each of them represents one of the events linked to the burning of the tower. Raikou would be the lightning that set the tower on fire, Entei the flames that consumed the building and Suicune the rain that put out the fire.

While they aren't gods like many of the other Pokémon on this list, the trio introduced in Generation II have incredible powers that surpass virtually any non-legendary Pokémon, and even some legendary ones. They were first introduced in Generation II, but have since appeared in several other games in the franchise. 


Ho-oh using an attack in the Pokémon anime
Illustrative Image: Ho-oh in the anime

We couldn't have put the creator of the dog trio behind them, especially when our ninth place is known as the "guardian of the skies". Together with Lugia, they are known as the tower duo, also introduced in the second generation of games in the franchise. 

There are many legends associated with Ho-oh. One of them involves its body having feathers of seven different colors and, when flying, the fire Pokémon creates a rainbow behind it. In the games, its combined stats surpass those of its three creations and rival those of other legendary Pokémon and even mythical Pokémon. For the inhabitants of Johto, this is definitely the strongest Pokémon. 

Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres

Original designs for the three legendary birds: Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres
Illustrative Image: Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres respectively

Also known as “the three legendary birds,” this trio were the first legendaries introduced in the franchise, back in the first generation. Each of them is the guardian of an element: Articuno is the ice one, Zapdos the lightning one, and Moltres the fire one. Their designs are as striking as their names, and we can even say that all Pokémon fans know who they are.

In terms of raw power, few Pokémon come close to these three. Their connections with the three elements they represent are so powerful that their appearances are often related to the seasons by the people of Kanto. In the anime, the trio appears several times, and in each instance, they are seen as powerful, almost unbeatable Pokémon. 

Groudon and Kyogre  

Kyogre and Groudon, respectively, in their primitive forms
Illustrative Image: Kyogre and Groudon in their primitive forms

In fourth place on our list of the best legendary Pokémon, we have the least understood duo in the entire franchise, Groudon and Kyogre. Legends claim that, at the beginning of time, the pressure from the depths of the ocean created Kyogre while the energy from the earth created Groudon on the surface. 

Since the first time they met, the two fought tirelessly for hegemony over the ocean, in the case of Kyogre, and over land, in the case of Groudon. These battles continued until Rayquaza intervened and defeated them both. Introduced in the third generation, the duo is, to this day, considered the most powerful in this universe. 


Regigigas on top of a mountain in one of the episodes of the Pokémon anime
Illustrative Image: Regigigas in the anime

Speaking solely of physical strength, it's hard to find a name on our list of the best legendary Pokémon that surpasses Regigigas. Creator of the golems of the third and eighth generations, the normal-type Pokémon is also known for being the one that united the continents in ancient times, an almost unbelievable feat. 

In addition to its physical strength, we can also highlight the intellectual capabilities of this Pokémon, since it alone managed to create 5 golems using different elements of nature. It is also the only Pokémon that can use the move Crush Grip, which deals more damage the more health the opponent has. 


The four different forms of Deoxys in a promotional image for Pokémon Go
Illustrative Image: Deoxys and its four forms

Our next entry on the list of the best Legendary Pokémon is proof that Pokémon don't only exist on planet Earth, as Deoxys is a mutation of a virus that came from space. Because it has a unique biological composition, the alien Pokémon also has a unique mechanic where it can assume 4 different forms depending on the type of meteorite it comes into contact with.

Introduced in the third generation, Deoxys has always been a mysterious Pokémon, as it has never been possible to capture it in traditional ways, only through events in most of the games. In one of the only films in which it appears, it fights against our next place on the list of best Legendary Pokémon. 


Rayquaza in one of the episodes of the Pokémon anime
Illustrative Image: Rayquaza in the anime

Do you know what the similarities between Groudon, Kyogre and Deoxys are? All three were defeated by Rayquaza, the main protector of the Pokémon world. The legendary dragon introduced in the third generation emerged from the gases present in the ozone layer and, its first feat, was to interrupt the battle between Groudon and Kyogre, trapping the two until the events of the games Ruby and Sapphire. 

In addition to having defeated two of the best legendary Pokémon, Rayquaza also made Deoxys its victim in the film Apocalypse: Rayquaza vs Deoxys when the alien Pokémon was heading to Earth inside an asteroid. 

Palkia, Dialga and Giratina

Dialga, Giratina and Palkia, respectively, in an image from one of the Pokémon games
Illustrative Image: Dialga, Giratina and Palkia respectively

Nicknamed the “creation trio,” Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina are creations of Arceus, who produced them so that they could create space, time, and antimatter, respectively. When we talk about these three, we are not only talking about the best legendary Pokémon, but also about gods within this universe. 

The three dragons are not only able to affect reality during their fights with each other, but they also have individual dimensions for each of them. In addition, they have the ability to communicate with humans using telepathy, something that very few Pokémon can do.  


Mewtwo in one of the scenes from the first animated film in the Pokémon franchise
Illustrative Image: Mewtwo

Coming to the end of our list of the best legendary Pokémon we have what is probably the most popular Pokémon on our list, Mewtwo. Its own story explains the reason for so much power: After the scientist Mr. Fuji found evidence of the Pokémon Mew and collected part of its DNA, he used it to try to create what would become the strongest monster of all, Mewtwo. 

In addition to having incredible intelligence, surpassing that of most humans, the artificial Pokémon is also immortal and has the strongest psychic powers in the entire franchise. In the game Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, it helped our first place winner connect the minds of all the PKs in the world at the same time. 


Arceus in the game Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Illustrative Image: Arceus

First on our list of the best Legendary Pokémon we have the God of this universe, the creator of the Creation Trio, the guardians of the lake and, possibly, the entire reality where the franchise exists. In addition to being immortal like Mewtwo, Arceus can also travel between dimensions, manipulate dreams and create Pokémon from nothing. 

Even among all the mythical Pokémon, a term used to refer to those extremely rare entities that are considered myths by most people, Arceus is definitely the strongest Pokémon. We can say with certainty that even if all the others on our list joined forces to try to defeat it, it would come out unscathed. 


So, did you like our list of the best Legendary Pokémon? Which one is your favorite among these ten? Tell us in the comments! Want to know more about video games and Geek culture? Then take a look at our article about it. how to move your base in Palworld. Now, if you want to know more about which are the best legendary Pokémon, watch the video below. 

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João Gabriel
Passionate about Japanese entertainment and a fan of (almost) everything that seeks to do something new. I've been studying history at UNIRIO since 2020. I want to take games, innovation and technology to new places, to new people. I write here for Universo de Apps!

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