How can I get in touch?
Should you decide to contact us directly, feel free to send us an email or fill out the contact form provided below. Our team is eager to answer your questions, constructive feedback, and suggestions. We truly enjoy hearing from our readers and are always open to new ideas.
Contact details
- Phone: (+351) 2********
- Mobile: (+351) 9********
- E-mail: [email protected]
What are the requirements for submitting an article for publication?
To have your article featured on our website and connect with readers across Brazil, follow these instructions: select a topic that is aligned with the content already available on our website and develop an original concept, write your article and send it by email with the subject “Article submission for publication” or fill out the contact form.
It is essential to provide your name along with links to your social media accounts. To avoid plagiarism, all submissions will undergo originality checks. Once approved, the article will be published, giving due credit to you, including your name and social media details.