If you’ve recently downloaded The First Descendant, chances are you’ve felt lost in the game. The game is very vast, with a variety of characters, features, and missions, which can end up putting off new players. If that’s the case, don’t worry, because today we’ll give you the 5 best tips for beginners in The First Descendant.
Before we move on to the list, it's important to remember that each player plays the game in their own way, so if you've already started your adventure and haven't followed some of the tips below, don't worry, there is no "correct" way to play the game. Okay, now we can move on to our first tip!
Choosing your first character wisely

The first of our tips for beginners in The First Descendant is the most important in your first few hours of play, as it can affect your experience of the game. Carefully choosing the first character you're going to use is central to the start of your adventure, as each of them has different skills and unique functionalities.
After analyzing each one, you should choose the one that best suits your style of play. For example: If you want to play aggressively, going at your enemies without much fear of the damage you'll take, the best choice is Ajax because it has high defense and abilities that match this style of play.
Play the story mode

Unlike other games With a focus on multiplayer, The First Descendant has a campaign, also known as story mode, for players to explore. And although many players skip it, we recommend that you do all the missions in this game mode.
Not only is the campaign designed to progress in difficulty as you go through the missions, so that novice players can gradually get used to the gameplay, but it also gives players lots of loot and, when you complete it, you unlock one of the best characters in the gameBunny.
Don't neglect the equipment

One of the most crucial tips for beginners in The First Descendant is to always keep an eye on your equipment, whether it's something you've just picked up on a mission or a resource you've been using since the beginning of the game. It's common in games like this that you don't even realize you have a more powerful resource in your inventory, it just collects dust instead of being used.
In addition, the modules you find during the mission are also very important and can end up making your adventure easier if you use the right combination. They are items that give your characters improvements, such as increased life.
Change your build depending on the situation

Still on the subject of equipment, we need to emphasize the importance of equipping specific items from mission to mission. A practical example of this would be to equip a fire resistance module in missions with enemies that deal this type of damage and, in another mission, change this module for another that makes more sense with the enemies present.
You won't always need to do this, if you apply the tips for beginners in The First Descendant mentioned earlier, many missions will become easy. This tip is more for those challenging situations you're having trouble getting through, like a boss, for example.
Use your skills

We couldn't finish a list of tips for beginners in The First Descendant without talking about skills. Each character in the game has four active skills and one passive skill, but some of the active skills must be unlocked.
The main difference between each character is in their abilities, none of them have the same abilities, so it's important to know at least what each of the characters you've unlocked does so you can decide which one suits you best or which one you need to use if you're playing with friends.
So, did you like our tips? What do you think is the best Descendant? Let us know in the comments! If you want to know more about games, take a look at our article on the 7 best horror games of Roblox. Now, if you want more tips for beginners in The First Descendant, watch the video below!