It's common for people to get tired of the wallpaper on their cell phones. We look at these images countless times every day, so it's to be expected that eventually you'll decide to try something new. If that's the case, don't worry, today we're going to talk about how to choose the right 3d wallpaper app for you.
It doesn't matter if you have an Android or an iPhone, a wallpaper that moves and changes automatically will never bore anyone! In our list, we'll prioritize the apps with the widest variety of wallpapers, the highest quality and the easiest to download. The buttons for downloading the apps will be available throughout the article. But before you choose the right 3d wallpaper app for you, you need to understand what they are.
What is a 3D wallpaper application?

In the same way as other wallpaper apps, those that offer 3D options allow you to download images/videos and set them as wallpaper on your phone or tablet. 3D wallpapers are those images that somehow give the user a sense of depth.
Nowadays, all smartphones have the necessary technology for you to be able to download a 3D wallpaper app and use it. They also don't take up as much space on your phone as they might seem, so you can even download a few variations to change whenever you feel the need. Now that we have a better understanding of what a 3D wallpaper app is, let's get straight to the list!

We start our list with one of the most different and interesting apps, Cartogram. The app has the following function: it shows the map of the region you're in on your lock screen or main screen with real-time updates! What's more, you can also change the colors and styles of the map to make it look just the way you want.
The 3D wallpaper app, available only for Android, costs R$2.00 and features high-resolution maps that are very eye-catching if you have a phone with an AMOLED screen. If you don't want to see the map of the region you're in, the app allows you to use maps of other locations.

If you've been looking for a 3D wallpaper app that lets you have total control over your wallpapers, intoLive is perfect for you. Its main function is to allow users to turn their videos into GIFs and then turn these GIFs into wallpapers.
It's also a video editing app that offers various effects for TikTok and Instagram Reels. Available only for IOS phones, intoLive has a paid version that gives subscribers more transition effects, artistic filters and cloud storage, all starting at R$51.21 per month.

The third place on our list isn't exactly an app, but a page of apps in the Play Store, with each app containing a single wallpaper. All of Maxelus' wallpapers are of the highest quality, and there are even wallpapers focused on 120hz and AMOLED screens.
The Maxelus 3D wallpaper app is very simple to use, all you have to do is download it, enter the app and give it permission to replace your current background, as simple as that. The apps are completely free.
Live Wallpapers for Me

Live Wallpapers for Me is a 3D wallpaper app for iPhone that does a bit of everything. Like Maxelus, it features wallpapers made for new technologies, but it doesn't stop there, it also lets you make your own wallpapers and choose from hundreds already made.
The variety of styles of 3D wallpapers in the app is impressive: you can find images related to nature, space or everyday life. The app is free, but there is a premium version that gives users access to several other wallpapers and no ads while using the app. This version is available from R$25.58 per month.

The last wallpaper app on our list is available on the Play Store and has more than 10,000 images and GIFs in its catalog. In the app you can find wallpapers of space, ocean, volcanoes, anime, technology and so on, the variety is amazing.
Some of the wallpapers in the app need to be purchased, but the availability of free wallpapers is huge. You can also get keys to unlock paid images and GIFs for free through the advertisements in the app. Images cost an average of 3 keys and 10 keys cost R$5.99.
Market analysis
Nowadays, a 3d wallpaper app for cell phones needs to meet three requirements in order to become popular: have a large number of wallpapers in its catalog, have a large part of its app available for free and contain high-quality images and videos.
So, did you like our list? What do you think is the best 3D wallpaper app above? Let us know in the comments! Want to read more about technology and applications? then take a look at our article on the 7 best AIs that create images with words. Now, if you still haven't decided which 3D wallpaper app to download, take a look at this video.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get animated wallpapers for my cell phone?
It's as simple as downloading one of the apps on our list and looking for the animated wallpapers tab. This tab may have a different name in each of the apps, but it won't be hard to find. Bear in mind that in some of the apps on our list certain wallpapers are paid for.
What are the best moving 3D wallpaper apps?
In our opinion, the apps on the list above are the best currently on the market if you want a 3D wallpaper app. All 5 apps feature a wide variety of moving 3D wallpapers.
How can I personalize my phone with 3D wallpapers that interact with the touch screen?
Enter the app of your choice from our list and look for the 3D wallpapers. On the page for each individual image you'll be able to find out whether it interacts with touch or not. Choose the wallpaper you want from the 3D wallpaper app, confirm that the image has been applied to your phone and now all you have to do is enjoy it.